
この画像には alt 属性が指定されておらず、ファイル名は main_14.jpg です


1-1-1, Yayoi, Bunkyo, Tokyo, 113-8657, Japan
The Univresity of Tokyo, Graduate school of Agricultural and Life Science, Aquatic Bioscience, Laboratory of Aquatic Molecular Biology and Biotechnology

Phone & FAX numbers

Professor Shuichi Asakawa : Faculty of Agriculture, The building No.2, 3rd floor, 327room
Tel: +81-3-5841-5296, E-mail:

Associate Prof. Shigeharu Kinoshita: Faculty of Agriculture, The building No.2 Annex, 2nd floor, 251room
Tel +81-3-5841-7521, E-mail: akino(at)

Assistant Prof. Kazutoshi Yoshitake: Faculty of Agriculture, The building No.2 , 3nd floor, 311room
Tel +81-3-5841-7522, E-mail: akyoshita(at)